Sunday, August 25, 2024

My pets that have been in my life

My pets that have been in my life.

Our cats:

Murchik (2018 - 2018) - stayed with us for about a week, then ran away. I found him on the street.

Marusya (2019 - 2019) - also stayed, then ran away. Found it on the street. She was the first cat we let into the house.

Mars (summer 2021 - winter 2022) - was found on the street, he was a lot of fun. Also escaped.

Murzik/Aska/Murka (2022 - 2022) - found her (we thought it was a male cat) also on the street, told my parents that she allegedly walked with me. When picked up, she meowed and purred when stroked. She also ran away.

Vasya (aug 2023 - present) - I found him on the street with the rest of the kittens and his mother. But they settled in with us on their own; they didn’t call us. Vasya is a calm, energetic cat who loved to be cuddled.

Chyortik (aug 2023 - present) - he settled down with his brother Vasya, this cat loved to be caressed twice, a modest hunter, talkative. Loves when they give you food.

Grandma's cats:

Malyshka (2008 - 2018) - a cat with lush fur, tricolor color - white, black and orange. How she settled down with her grandmother is unknown. She gave birth to a kitten, Nika. Perhaps she ran away.

Vasya (200? - 2016) - according to grandmother’s rumors, he comes from a peninsula closer to the Black Sea. He was Malyshka's husband, the reason for his disappearance is unknown. Perhaps he ran away.

Nika (2011/2012 - 2018) - Malyshka’s daughter, absolutely nothing is known about her. Since we didn't spend much time with her. Perhaps she ran away.

Marusya (2019 - 2022) - was found at the market, she was sick as a kitten. My grandmother found medicine for her, which soon helped her become a beautiful cat. Perhaps she ran away.

Our Dogs:

Malysh (2017 - 2023) - son of Kuzya and grandson of Lucy (the neighbor's dog who gave birth to Kuzya), he was always cheerful. He spent all his summer time in the shade of a makeshift canopy. He lived for 6 years, I will clarify the cause of death. One day he was given a bone with meat, which the Kid swallowed. Exactly swallowed it. And in attempts to poop out, the bone prevented it from coming out. It is not clear how he died - either due to hunger, or an incident with a bone. F.

Dik (aug 2023 - present) is a dog who has mental similarities to me. They found him on the bank of a river with other dogs. The lop-eared, shy dog was afraid of passers-by. One day we caught him and took him to my grandmother’s yard, where he was adapted to the room where he used to live. Later, when we moved into our yard, we tried to calm him down. He cried, I remember. Later, as he got used to us, he realized that we were not enemies.

Grandma's dog:

Kuzya (2016 - present) - his neighbor's dog Lucy gave birth to him, and as a puppy Kuzya loved to play. As he grew up, he became a serious guard at his grandmother's house. He's a good defender. 

This message was written on May 16, 2024, and was seen in drafts on Aug 25, 2024.

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